
[The Kyunghyang Shinmun] MPAC Plus sells "Microcell Silicon Puff" that replaces bacterial hot sponge puffs. 2022-01-18

㈜엠팩플러스, 세균 온상 스펀지퍼프 대체하는 ‘마이크로셀 실리콘퍼프’ 판매

Interest in personal hygiene is increasing due to the novel coronavirus infection disease. This new coronavirus, named COVID-19, is a human-to-human epidemic, but fortunately, it is known that it can be prevented by following personal hygiene rules such as washing hands and wearing masks. In addition, this resulted in a change in daily life.

Among them, makeup tools are representative products that require thorough management for hygiene, and it is practically difficult to wash and use sponge puffs every day in a situation where you have to hurry to put on makeup and go to work in the morning. Accordingly, MPAC Plus Co., Ltd. (CEO Son Kwang-oh) reported that it is allowing hygiene problems to be solved through "Jelly Farm Microcell Silicon Puff."

According to MPack Plus Co., Ltd., general sponge puff materials mainly use wet urethane, so due to the nature of the "wet" material, cushioning ingredients, sebum, and dead skin cells can permeate the puff, which can be a hotbed of various bacteria. In order to solve this problem, it is important to wash the puff frequently using a foam cleanser to prevent germs from reproducing, but the reality is that it is not easy because it is a cumbersome process.

On the other hand, "Jelly Farm Microcell Silicon Puff," a bestseller of MPAC Plus, does not permeate the puff at all, so you can always use it like new by wiping it off with wet tissues after use, so you can use it safely from skin troubles, germs, and viruses by solving hygiene problems. It is also characterized by an eco-friendly product made of 100% silicone material and used semi-permanently.

This product is a patent product applied to Korea Patent Registration No. 2056615 and 200 countries around the world, including the United States, China, and Japan (PCT/KR2018/013427), and more than 8,100 microcells in the shape of three-dimensional irregularities spread and distribute the foundation to the skin without clumping.

In addition, it is economical because the puff does not absorb cosmetics, saving about one-third of hygiene as well as conventional sponge puffs, and can be used to reduce pores and remove swelling by cooling the puffs. Another appealing part to women is that it is a multifunctional puff that can be used not only for foundations but also for all cream-type cosmetics such as sunscreen and basic cosmetics.

An official from MPAC Plus Co., Ltd. said, "In February 2020, sales increased more than 10 times compared to the same month last year to prevent COVID-19," adding, "Based on patent technology, we are selling to Amazon, Japan, and aim to achieve 8 billion won in sales in 2020."

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